Raw Foods Bible

The Raw Foods Bible

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Articles by Craig B. Sommers, ND, CN
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Gauss Meter for Measuring EMF and RF Radiation
Radiation Free Cell Phone Headset
Radiation Reducing Headset
Hair Mineral Analysis
Vibrant America
Food Zoomer (Food Sensitivity Tests)
Vibrant America
Gut Zoomer (Microbiome Test)
Vibrant America
Micronutrient Test
Spectracell Labs
Micronutrient Testing for
Nutritional Deficiencies
Telomere Testing
for Cellular Age
TA Sciences TA-65 MD
MTHFR Genotyping
Suppository Chelation
Vitalzym Xe
Tribest Slowstar Juicer
Food Processor
Ozone Water Purifier
RELAX FIR Sit-Up Sauna
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Phone Consultation
Mission Statement
Live Speaking Tour - Click Here!
CHAPTER 1: The Building Blocks of Immunity
Essential Fats
CHAPTER 2: Selected Research
Animal Studies
Human Studies
Kirlian Photography
Digestive Leucocytosis
The Mind
CHAPTER 3: Foods for Fuel and Medicine
Fruits and Melons
Vegetables, Roots and Spices
Nuts and Seeds
Green Foods
Sea Salt
Ocean Grown Food
Eat The Weeds
Thermal Properties of Foods
CHAPTER 4: Biblical References
The Old Testament
Jesus: The Lost Teachings
CHAPTER 5: Noteworthy People
Brigitte Mars
Albert Schweitzer
Edgar Cayce, Christian Mystic
Thomas Edison
Tony Robbins
Brian Clement
Gabriel Cousens
Richard Schulze
The Raw Family
Robert O. Young
Bradford Angier
Byron Tyler
CHAPTER 6: What to Avoid
Oxalic Acid and the Nightshade Story
Genetically Engineered Foods
Toxins From Cooking
Barbecue Blues
Microwave Ovens
Electromagnetic Radiation
Cellular Phones
Trans Fats, Hydrogenated Fats & Saturated Fats
Cosmetics/Personal Care Products
Artificial Sweeteners
Pesticides, Artificial Colors, & Waxes
The Crab Syndrome
Food-Borne Illness
Rabbit Starvation
CHAPTER 7: Recommendations For Healthy Living
Acid Alkaline Balancing
My Typical Menu
Cleansing Reactions / The Healing Process
The Liver / Gallbladder Flush
Pure Water
Oxygen / Deep Breathing
Indoor Air Pollution
New Car Smell
Sunlight The Great Healer
Chew, Chew, Chew!
Proper Rest
Deep Relaxation
Use It or Lose It
The Mind Body Connection
Weight Normalization
Chapter 8: Recipes and Resources
Nut Milks and Beverages
Pates, Spreads and Nondairy Cheese
Pizza Crust, Sprouted Bread, and Crackers
Side Dishes
Recommended Reading
Books on Children and Living-Food
Recipe Books
Work Cited

YouTube video; How to Succeed in
“The I Eat Raw Food” Conversation

Press Release |  Mission Statement

About Dr. Craig B. Sommers

Craig B. Sommers, N.D., C.N.
Find Dr. Craig B. Sommers on Facebook  Find Craig B. Sommers
 on Facebook

Craig Sommers was living the standard American lifestyle, eating the standard American diet (SAD), until the early 1990's when his mother was diagnosed with cancer and then heart disease. While visiting his mother in the hospital, after one in a series of unsuccessful surgeries, a mysterious stranger entered her hospital room. He handed Mrs. Sommers his business card and suggested that she give him a call if she was interested in learning how to heal herself through diet and lifestyle changes. Neither Craig nor his mother ever heard from that man again, but Craig was so inspired by his suggestion that he began to seek out information on Natural Healing.

Since that day in the hospital, Craig B. Sommers, ND, CN has single mindedly pursued knowledge of holistic healing, nutrition, and lifestyle. He first learned enough to help his mother reverse heart disease and then began to peruse natural health for himself and others. He opened a health food store on Long Island and when that became too stressful, he sold the store and pursued a doctorate in naturopathy.

Craig B. Sommers, ND, CN now travels the globe giving lectures on how to achieve optimum health through proper nutrition and lifestyle habits. He is also a certified yoga instructor, certified nutritionist and the author of Raw Foods Bible, a comprehensive easy to read guide to the optimum diet and lifestyle.
Craig's website is www.rawfoodsbible.com

About Dr. Craig B. Sommers |  Mission Statement |  ⇑ Top of Page

Press Release

Dr. Craig B. Sommers challenges traditional notions of aging with his informative presentation, Keys to Longevity and Vibrant Health. As a Naturopath, Craig B. Sommers, ND, CN introduces attendees to the secrets to remaining vital throughout life. By combining diet and exercise with common sense knowledge of the dangers of modern living, the person is steered through the maze of misinformationto emerge with a thorough understanding of the principles one needs to follow to reach the fullest expression of one's evolutionary purpose.

Website: www.rawfoodsbible.com
Email: craigBsommers@gmail.com

About Dr. Craig B. Sommers |  Press Release |  ⇑ Top of Page

Mission Statement

Craig B. Sommers, ND, CN has been a Naturopath since 2003 and a Nutritionist since 1998. His mission is to deliver cutting edge nutritional advice, teach all the facets of healthy lifestyle and to supply the highest quality health products while making available the most up-to-date nutritional testing methods at the lowest prices possible.

“I seek to advise my clients on how to feel and look their absolute best and to reach the fullest expression of one's evolutionary purpose.”

Not only does Craig B. Sommers, ND, CN dedicate his time to his clients, but he also reaches countless others via speaking engagements, seminars and YouTube.

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Raw Foods Bible

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Craig B. Sommers, ND, CN YouTube video talking about his book

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La Biblia Crudivora

Coming soon!

All the knowledge of the Raw Foods Bible, now in Spanish!
E-mail Craig B. Sommers, ND, CN to find out how to get a copy of your own!

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Order the DVD!

The Key to Longevity DVD

This DVD from Craig B. Sommers, ND, CN covers a wide variety of topics.
Craig B. Sommers, ND, CN talks about the DVD in a YouTube Video YouTube video click here
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Keys to Longevity - DVD - $24.95
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Raw Foods Bible, Key to Longevity DVD, Essene Yoga DVD.
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Raw Foods Bible, Keys to Longevity DVD, Essene Yoga DVD
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